Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I walked out of the office and I was looking for my car. I asked my mom, where my car is? I was like it probably got towed. Then I went in to the office next door and asked, apparently the asshole was sitting outside waiting for me to go in so he can come tow my car. Just cause it's a luxurious car doesn't mean we're made out of gold. The title says it, my car got towed. How did I feel? I felt really raged and hurt. It cost me 300.25 cents to get my car back. That means the month of December working, it all went at once. I just got paid yesterday and today I have to pay for tow asshole. It's so frustrating. I asked that asshole, what about those people parking at the same spot? I find it so unfair, I feel like this year is turning against me.

I just turned 21 and there's so much I already been through from being robbed, hit by another car, and etc. There's only so much I can take, how am I going to survive my older years? I don't even know if I can make it. I told my mom I might die from a heart attack at a young age if things keep coming up at me like this. All that hard work meant nothing since it was all taken away. I feel insomniac is hitting me once again. I am trying to escape my little work and run to another but that's not working because eventually I'll have accept reality.

I really doubted myself, I thought starting a new year would be like a new start but nope I feel like the worst just started for me. It's been 4 days and so much stuff happened to me already I can't even sum it all up at once. Yes, I feel like it's just that much. I don't know what to do, God please enlighten me. I am trying my best to do what I can but I just don't know if I am going through the right directions. I made a mistake, and I know it won't happen again. I've done a lot to make it up, why is all this stuff still happening? :(

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